Thursday, 28 February 2013

Consultation on the introduction of Micro-entity provisions in the UK

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills issued a consultation document on the introduction of Micro-entity provisions in the UK with responses due by 22 March 2013.

Micro-entities are very small companies, LLPs and qualifying partnerships, defined in the EU’s Micro-entities Directive as not exceeding two out of three of the following limits:
Turnover of €700,000

Balance sheet total of €350,000
Employees 10

The proposals would mean that
  • Micro-entities would need only to prepare a very simple balance sheet and profit and loss account, and will not need to file the latter
  • No notes will be needed other than commitments and guarantees, advances and credits to directors and acquisition of own shares which will go at the bottom of the balance sheet
  • No annual report will be needed provided the note on acquisition of own shares is made
  • The balance sheet could be filed electronically rather than as a full statement
  • It is anticipated that these proposals could be introduced as early as October 2013.